Order of Auction
Monday 22nd November 2021 at 12 noon
The Margaret and Gerry Grey Collection of Steiff limited edition teddy bears and animals and other modern makers
Lots 1 to 278
Tuesday 23rd November 2021 at 10.30am
Teddy Bears and Dolls’ Houses
Lots 279 to 899
Lots 279 to 397 - Recent Limited Edition and Collectable Teddy Bears including the Jo Rothery Collection.
Lots 398 to 729 - Antique and Vintage Teddy Bears and Soft Toys including the Julia Morgan-Swinhoe and Freda Neal Collections.
Lots 729 to 837 - Dolls’ Houses and Chattels
Lots 838 to 899 - The Betty Fox Collection of Dolls’ House Dolls and Chattels
Wednesday 24th November at 11.00am
Dolls including the Betty Fox Collection and Traditional Toys
Lots 900-914 - Post-War Dolls
Lots 915 to 944 - Antique Dolls
Lots 944 to 1198 - The Betty Fox Collection of Dolls
Lots 1199 to 1296 - Antique and Vintage Dolls
Lots 1297 to 1429 - Traditional Toys
End of Sale
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